I was “THAT Mom” and Mortified!

I have a young daughter who is really into dance. She had a recital last week, and we had some experiences that inspired a song that I’m writing. (This story is a little bit long, so if you’re in a hurry, scroll to the end, because the message is amazing.)

So, my husband and I have 3 kids, including a 1 year old baby, a 4 year old with a sensory disorder, and the daughter I mentioned, who is 5. This particular night was a difficult one. My son was running all over the theater before the recital started. My baby (maybe some of you moms can relate) would only be happy if I was holding him and standing up. No sitting allowed. So when the show started, we knew we had a rough half-hour or so ahead of us.
I have to point out that we were not the only parents there with other young children. This was a young dance recital. There were other babies crying, and there were other young girls and boys who were playing on tablets to keep them occupied during the dancing.
Now, let me back up a little. Before the show started –as I was holding my moody 1-year-old and trying to catch my runaway son– one of the ushers, a small older woman, stopped me and said, “He is not allowed to run around like that in here.” Now, I don’t know what you’re thinking… but I was just ready to laugh and cry all at the same time. I looked her straight in the eye and said, “If you’d like to help me keep him under control and in one place, I’d gladly accept the help! Cause I sure can’t keep him in one place!”
The woman looked like she didn’t know what to say. And I walked down the aisle to attempt to catch up with my son.
Okay, back to when the recital started. We finally got my older son to sit somewhat still with the help of a tablet. We had turned the brightness settings as low as they go, and as I mentioned before, we were not the only ones.For some reason, another older woman usher approached us during the recital and told us to turn off the tablet. Mortified, I sank into my chair as my husband told the woman our son has special needs and that the tablet is far better than the alternative.
As I sat there, feeling completely helpless, embarrassed, and inadequate as a mother, I began to think of ways I could have done things differently. Should I have gotten a babysitter, and told my son that he just couldn’t see his sister dance today? (You should have seen his face when he saw her on stage! He lit up with bright eyes and a big smile. He even joined in shouting encouraging words at her from where he was sitting!) Should I have snuck in treats for my baby in a theater that said, “No Food or Drink” on the door? I thought, “All I want is for my family to come to this dance recital together, watch the show, and ENJOY.”I thought, “I AM DOING MY BEST!”
Then it hit me.
We are all doing our best.
The old women ushers were doing their best at what they were supposed to be doing.
My son was doing his best with what he knows.
The woman behind me who was talking about her personal life a little too loudly, was doing her best.
I don’t think there are many people who intentionally try to cause inconvenience or pain to another person.
And so, I’m learning to be more observant. To be more understanding.
The woman in the room who has 4 kids climbing all over her, making noise,
The grumpy old man who has to have his 2 cents,
The young punk who has an attitude problem and is always right,
The wild child who is running around causing mischief,
The person in your life who is avoiding you,
The person in your life who won’t leave you alone,
The person in your life who drives you crazy,
ALL of these people, are doing their best. 
So next time you’re feeling inconvenienced by the actions of another person, put yourself in their shoes. Imagine what that might feel like. Maybe you’ve even made similar choices before!Decide today that you are going to be more compassionate and understanding.
I can’t wait to share the song with you!
~Ashley Ludlow
Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of the new album! www.ashleyludlow.com
If you enjoyed this, please share. :)

New Album and Fan Club

We live in a home that does not have air conditioning. We often have every window open and every fan in the house turned on high. For a while, we had a swimming pool in the backyard, and one hot day I was inspired to write a song.

The song is called, “Like a Kid Again.” This is probably my favorite song that I’ve written. Here are a few of the lyrics that I love:

There’s something about a trampoline and a best friend; stars bright, late nights.


There’s something sweet about an ice cream sundae, back before I ever worried about Monday.


Like a kid again building forts out of blankets and tables and chairs.


Want more?

My attempts to start a campaign to raise music for my new album were put on hold because I don’t have a very big following yet. So I’ve decided to start a fan club for those of you who have been wanting more info and updates on this new album! :)

Anyone who joins will get my first single, “Wake Up” for free as well as email updates about the making of the new album. You’ll be the first to know release dates, the album name, names and lyrics of new songs, events, etc… I’ll also be sharing behind the scenes photos, video, and demos of my songs that won’t be released to the public. There is something really raw and vulnerable about me sharing these intimate things with you, but I feel like it will be so good for me to express myself through music to my biggest fans :)

I am so excited for the album to come together. It’s taking a totally different path than I first envisioned. I can’t wait to share more!

A big THANK YOU for all the support and love!



Mindy’s New Album!

So, I have many, many musical inspirations. One of these is Mindy Gledhill. She writes her own music and records it independently. She still does so well and touches so many people with her music. Someday, I hope my music reaches out to help someone listening. I hope it’s exactly what they need to hear. I’ve teared up, and probably actually cried like a baby while listening to some songs on her album Anchor.

One of the songs that tugs at my heartstrings is called “Hourglass.” It talks about how fast time goes by, how kids grow up all too quickly, and how precious our time is with these sweet little ones.

I have been meaning to do a cover of this song for some time now. So, I’m pleased to announce that I finally sat down and filmed it.


Mindy is working on a new album right now in Nashville. (I’m trying not to be jealous! ;))
You can check out her blog here: http://mindygledhill.blogspot.com/
Don’t forget to pledge and be a part of the new album here: http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/mindygledhill

I am excited to see what new musical poetry awaits us in this new album. I can’t wait!




Well, yesterday was my birthday! I’m now 27! I feel so great, and I’m excited for what this year has in store for me. I feel like something BIG is coming for me soon. I’m still writing, and writing, and writing! My husband got me some basic home recording equipment, and I am SO excited! I’ve already started goofing off with it and made an accapella track!

So, I’ve been asked to sing in my church this week. I chose a song medley called “Beautiful Savior” arranged by Kenneth Cope, from his album “A Prayer Unto Thee.”

What is your favorite hymn? I have a LOT of favorites, but I want to hear yours!

Have a great week!
