Mindy’s New Album!

So, I have many, many musical inspirations. One of these is Mindy Gledhill. She writes her own music and records it independently. She still does so well and touches so many people with her music. Someday, I hope my music reaches out to help someone listening. I hope it’s exactly what they need to hear. I’ve teared up, and probably actually cried like a baby while listening to some songs on her album Anchor.

One of the songs that tugs at my heartstrings is called “Hourglass.” It talks about how fast time goes by, how kids grow up all too quickly, and how precious our time is with these sweet little ones.

I have been meaning to do a cover of this song for some time now. So, I’m pleased to announce that I finally sat down and filmed it.


Mindy is working on a new album right now in Nashville. (I’m trying not to be jealous! ;))
You can check out her blog here: http://mindygledhill.blogspot.com/
Don’t forget to pledge and be a part of the new album here: http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/mindygledhill

I am excited to see what new musical poetry awaits us in this new album. I can’t wait!
